Processing Queue

October 2024 (targeted release for Auckland Transport)

There will be changes to the design and functionality of the Processing Queue. This update will provide easier navigation around the Processing Queue for Worksites and Processing Queue for TMPs as well as more functionality for claiming and assigning CAR applications to RCA Coordinators.

Benefits - These changes will improve prioritisation of CAR applications by increasing efficiency and oversight over current and future workload. The changes will also help RCA Coordinators and Team Leads to manage workload through useful distribution and coordination features.

Summary of Key Functions 

  • CAR application categorisation to understand current and future workload. (detail see below).

  • Quick search for applications with sensitive or other important application information, processing or impact parameters.

  • Customisation of columns and data displayed in the CAR applications table, alongside filtering for each column.

  • Functionality to allow users to assign and re-assign CAR applications to a RCA user for processing. More detail below.

Note: The same functionality has been implemented on the Worksite Processing Queue, as well as the TMP Processing Queue. In this guide, the functionality will be explained using Worksites. However, this is directly applicable to TMPs as well.

CAR application categorisation

Four different categories for splitting the Processing queue have been implemented. The categories are “New”, “Revised”, “Unclaimed” and “All”. Clicking on either of these tabs changes the content of the CAR application table below.

  • NEW - These CAR applications are assigned to an individual RCA Coordinator (yourself).

  • REVISED - The CAR applications displayed under this tab are assigned to an individual RCA Coordinator (yourself) and have previously been accepted or declined.

  • UNCLAIMED - This tab displays CAR applications which have not yet been assigned to a RCA Coordinator.

  • ALL - Displays a table listing all CAR applications, including assigned for processing, as well as unclaimed applications.

Quick Search

Predetermined criteria for quickly searching for sensitive or disruptive CAR applications have been implemented.

Quick Search is enabling better prioritisation of these applications, as it allows users to quickly identify and find specific CAR applications for processing.

Clicking on either of these Search criteria categories allows users to set specific filters, and even combinations of filters, to be displayed in the CAR applications table.

Multiple filters can be individually added per search criteria by clicking on the “+” button. Filters can be removed by clicking the rubbish bin button.

Note - Users can search for CAR applications assigned to other RCA Users only when in the “All” tab for CAR application categories. 

Table filtering and columns displayed

The CAR applications table provides comprehensive detail on submitted applications. Users can customise the data displayed and the order in which columns are displayed. 

To change these settings, use the “Show/Hide column” functionality on the right hand side of the screen, just above the CAR applications table. Clicking on this button will open a menu to allow users to customise the view of the table.

  • Drag and drop the icon with the six-dots to change the order of columns displayed in the table.

  • Users can pin individual columns to the left or right side of the table with the “Pin”-icon.

  • Entire columns can be hidden from view by setting the toggle to grey against a column name.

All these settings can be easily undone and reverted with the menu options at the top of this menu.

Note - the only column that can’t be changed is the “Actions”-button” on the right side of the table.

In addition, many of the displayed columns can be sorted by ascending and descending order simply by clicking on the column’s header. Click again to reverse the order.

Action button to claim and assign CAR applications

Four different actions are available for RCA Coordinators to use:


    • Available for CAR applications that are not yet being processed and not claimed by any user for processing yet.

    • Sets the logged-on User as the Processing Officer for the specific CAR application. Will add the application to this user’s Processing Queue and it will appear in either the “New” or “Revised’  tab.


    • Available to users when the CAR application is in their own name.

    • Reverses the “Claim”-action. 


    • Available for CAR applications that are not yet being processed and not claimed by any user for processing yet.

    • Allows user to assign a CAR application to a different user for processing. Will add the application to the other user’s Processing Queue under the “New”-tab.


    • Available to users when the CAR application is either in my name or in a different user’s name.

    • Allows a user to move the application to someone else for processing. Will add the application to the selected user’s Processing Queue.

CAR application is currently not being processed

CAR application is in my name

CAR application is in a different user’s name

I can…

  • Claim it for myself

  • Assign it to another user

  • Unclaim the application

  • Re-assign it to another user

  • Re-assign it to another user 

Available on tab for CAR application category

  • Unclaimed

  • All (partially)

  • New

  • Revised

  • All (partially)

  • All (partially)