These are the permissions that MyWorksites users can have and what they mean. Note that a user can have multiple permissions in the same organisation. 
  • Company Admin:
    Can to access the Admin functionality (from menu bar) e.g. editing user permissions of users from their organisation, and inviting and approving new users to the organisation. Note that this does not include Contractor permissions - if a user wants to create TMP and worksite applications they will also need to be a Contractor.
  • Contractor:
    Can put in TMP and Worksite applications, and revise submitted applications, notify start/completion of work on accepted applications
  • Company Contact:
    Can search for worksites and TMP applications, but not create/edit any applications.
  • STMS:
    For deployments - these users will appear for other users who are creating a deployment in the STMS drop down box. 
  • Pending:
    Users who assign themselves to an organisation will show up with this permission - it does not grant any access, but admins can see a list of their pending users to approve and update.