When a user registers for an account on MyWorksites, they will be asked if they will be making applications on behalf of an organisation or as a Private Individual during the account activation process.

If the user selects an organisation, the account will be linked with that organisation immediately, although he/she will not be able to create Worksite or Traffic Management Plans until her/his account has been approved by the organisation's MyWorksites administrator.

Error message displayed to newly registered user before the request to be linked to an organisation has been approved. 

Clicking on the 'contact your company admin' link would show the user a list of the organisation's administrators. If none are displayed, please contact us at [email protected] or via the onscreen help link.

The organisation's administrator can then navigate to the 'Pending Users' page by selecting it from the Admin menu.

On the 'Pending Users' page, you will see a list of users requesting to be added to the organisation. To approve a user, select 'Contractor' from the 'Role' dropdown and click on 'Approve'. You can also give the user admin permissions by clicking 'Add role' and selecting 'Company admin' from the dropdown before approving the user.

To decline a user's request, simply add a comment and click on 'Decline' instead.

The comment that will be included in the notification email sent to the user to let them know if their account has been approved or declined.