Since MyWorksites was first introduced, we have received feedback from users of both Road Controlling Authorities (RCAs) and Contractor Organisations about having a map to view Worksites, Traffic Management Plan (TMP) impacts and detours on.

The idea was that if they can see current or upcoming work in the area they are planning to work in, conversations can happen about possible collaborations, work can be planned around others and clashes can avoided.

And this is where the Planning Map comes in. 

The Planning Map can be accessed from the link in the main menu bar (1). After selecting a region on the region selection page, you'll be able to see the map, along with the sidebar and floating selector. Selecting the 'Base Map' (2) dropdown in the sidebar allows you to switch between the Street, Satellite and Aerial maps.

Floating selector

By default, the Planning Map displays Accepted Worksites within a 2 week period from the current date. That means if you visit the map on the 1st of July, the Date Range selector (4) would be showing 1st to 15 July. You can, of course, change the dates to suit your requirements. Because of the amount of data available, the more accurate the date range you enter will help you the most relevant features.

Clicking on the Location selector (3) would allow you to enter an address or a region, and the map view will focus on the chosen address.

Search (5) allows you to search for specific worksites by keywords (Worksite ID, TMP ID, Worksite name, Worksite reference, Project name, Client organisation, Worksite address, Organisation name)

The RCA selector (6) lets you filter the displayed features by the Road Controlling Authority they were submitted to or accepted by.

Sidebar filters

By default, only accepted (7) worksites are displayed, but you can change the filters on the sidebar to view submitted (8) worksites, TMP impacts, detours, published draft worksites (9), or worksites and TMP impacts in warranty (10).

Worksite and TMP impacts can also be further filtered by their types, such as Excavation/Non-excavation worksites or full closure and restrictions on the road corridors.

Worksite, TMP Impacts and Detours on map

The features are grouped in clusters on the map, and the total number of selected features (Worksites, TMP Impacts and detours) is displayed on the cluster icon. Clicking on a cluster icon zooms you into the area, where you can see the features (colour coded based on type, e.g excavation worksite, restrictions on the road corridors) in details.

Clicking on any of these features will bring up a pop-up with more information regarding the selected feature, e.g. the work window, organisation, work type. If there are many features on the same location, clicking on the 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons on the pop-up will cycle through these features.