If you are a registered STMS and are a user within MyWorksites with the STMS role, you will now be able to view a list of deployments assigned to you, and confirm when the layout is actually deployed, and also when the layout site is cleared.

This functionality is optimised for mobile devices, which means you can easily notify of a deployment or pick up when you are on-site via your smartphone or tablet.

To find the appropriate deployment to mark as confirmed down you can either view a list of deployments that you are assigned to or search all scheduled deployments within MyWorksites.

To see the deployments assigned to you, simply click on the Menu button on mobile devices before selecting My Assignment Deployments under the Deployments submenu.

You will then see a list of deployments assigned to you.

Once you have identified the deployment you want to confirm, select the orange SIGN IN button, this confirms that First Sign in has occurred, indicating that the STMS team's on site and ready to start work. The status of the deployment is now Deployed. This would also create a work start notice on the Worksite the deployment's TMP layout belongs too, if it has not yet been notified to have started.

Clicking on the SIGN IN button updates the First sign in (Actual) time and date on the deployment record.

On that deployment record, the button will now change to display SITE CLEARED instead.  

Once work has completed and the site is cleared, clicking on the SITE CLEARED button updates the Site cleared (Actual) field, and changes the status of the deployment to Completed.

In the screenshots above, you'll notice that the scheduled deployment (as can be seen in the Status field) has empty First sign in (Actual) and Site cleared (Actual) fields. These are updated once the STMS confirms each stage of the deployment.

If the deployment you are managing is not assigned to you, you can still find the scheduled deployment and activate it by searching for specific deployments. You can search by their TMP or Layout references on the Deployment Search page, or filter results by the RCA, Applicant organisation or status of the deployment. The results would of the search and filters would be displayed in the table below.