What is a Worksite?

Worksites in myWorksites are used to represent the stages or different physical work locations in a project. Smaller projects will have one Worksite and one or more Traffic Management Plans (TMPs), but larger projects may have multiple Worksites and each one may have multiple TMPs. Each Worksite must be submitted and processed by the Road Controlling Authority who will grant the appropriate consent document.

What is a Project?

A project in myWorksites is simply a collection of related Worksites, a project is required even if you’ll only be creating one Worksite. An example of a project would be that if you have a contract to install Fibre Broadband across a region of Auckland, you may create a project ‘Fibre Installation’ (if the project doesn’t already exist), then create individual Worksites within it. You can then submit excavation (CAR) and non-excavation (NECAR) applications for each Worksite separately.

What is a Traffic Management Plan?

Traffic Management Plans (TMPs) are site-specific plans that covers the design, implementation, maintenance and removal of temporary traffic management (TTM) measures while work or activity is carried out in the road corridor (road, footpath or berm). Some Road Controlling Authorities (RCAs) require at least one TMP to be submitted alongside an Access Request (Worksite), and you will be informed by the system of that requirement before submitting a Worksite.