A Traffic Management Plans (TMP) is worksite-specific plan that covers the design, implementation, maintenance and removal of temporary traffic management (TTM) measures while work or activity is carried out in the road corridor (road, footpath or berm). TMPs are defaulted to be submitted to the same Road Controlling Authority as the Worksite they are linked with, but that can be changed. In some cases you will also need to submit to multiple Road Controlling Authorities. See Cross-RCA TMP Applications.

Once a Project and Worksite has been created for the work you’ve planned, you will be able to start designing TMP for that worksite. A Worksite may have multiple TMP applications linked to it. You'll be able to view a list of TMPs linked to a Worksite on the Worksite View page itself, under the Traffic Management Plans panel. You can also add new TMPs, and revise existing TMP applications from here.

To add a new TMP, you can click on the 'Add New TMP' button in the Traffic Management Plans panel. You will be redirect to your new TMP draft, as seen below.

On this page, details of the parent Project and Worksite would be displayed in their respective panels. You will also be able to change the Primary RCA of your TMP submission, as well as add additional RCAs to your application in the TMP Details panel.

Next up, click on the 'Add Layout' button to create a new Layout for the TMP. 

A layout defines when you’ll be working and the impact of the work. You can specify multiple layouts in a single TMP, and have them all approved at once.

On this form, you will have to enter the some required information, such as the Start and End date of when the work takes place, if the layout would be deployed continuously (Select yes if you leave the cones out over multiple days. Select no if you re-deploy the cones each day.), as well as the Traffic Impacts etc. You can also upload supporting files for your application on this page.

Clicking on the 'Edit Map' button under the TMP extent section would allow you to mark out where work would be taking place and its impact. 

More details and instructions are available on the page by clicking on the view instructions link.

Once that's done, click on the green 'Done' button in the bottom right corner and you'll be brought back to the Layout page. Now you can check if all required fields have been updated, and click on 'Update Layout' to save these changes.

You can now submit the TMP by clicking the orange 'Submit TMP' button. You will however, have to submit the linked Worksite application separately for the Worksite to be processed.

Worksite Notices

If there are any notices (Work start/complete, Non-conformance or Stop Work) issued for a Worksite, they will be displayed in the Comments, Files and Notices section on the both the Worksite and all its associated TMPs.