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Fee Manager Module

Management of the Fee Schedules can be self serviced through a fee manager module.

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Written by myWorksites
Updated over 2 months ago

The module can be accessed via Fees or Fee Manager in the top navigation menu.

Note: Presently only Christchurch City Council use this module. If you are interested in finding out more, please get in touch with us at [email protected].

Fee manager table

The main view of the Fee Manager shows two sections: Current Fees (in effect now) and Scheduled Fee (in effect in future), displayed as interactive tables (screenshots above).

The tables allow you to:

  1. View historic Fees (expand/collapse)

  2. Sort by any column

  3. Customising the table view (icons near the top right of the table)

    1. Filter: allows filtering rows in the table by column values

    2. Menu: allows reordering, hiding, pinning columns

  4. Only show expired fees (check box at the top)

Key functions of the Fee Manager:

  1. Add New Fee - using the [+ Add New Fee] button (near top right)

  2. From the action menu on the far right of each row ​[ ... ]

    1. Edit a Fee

    2. Schedule a Fee to an existing Fee

    3. Delete a Fee

Adding a new fee

Use this option when a new fee needs to be added to the schedule. Click [+ Add New Fee] and and populate the required information that defines the fee.

When complete, click [Create]. Your new fee will appear in the table. [Cancel] to exit unsaved.

Updating an existing fee

Use this option when an existing fee needs to change (e.g. cost, code or description)

Click the action menu icon [ ... ] of the Fee you want to edit and choose [Edit].

Edit the information and when complete, click [Update]. [Cancel] to exit unsaved.

Schedule a fee

Use this option when you need to plan a future change to an existing fee and automatically archive the previous fee.

Scheduling allows you to plan in (Schedule) changes to fees (e.g. costs) at a future date (e.g. end of Financial Year) and allows new fees to come into effect from a certain date onwards.

Click the action menu icon [ ... ] of the Fee you want to edit and choose [Schedule].

Edit the information needed. Confirm the fee selected, the date and amount.

When complete, click [Create]. Your new fee will appear in the Scheduled table. [Cancel] to exit unsaved.

Delete fee

Use this option when you need to completely remove a current or scheduled fee.

Click the action menu icon ​[ ... ] of the Fee you want to edit and choose [Delete].

To confirm, click [Delete]. Your new fee will appear in the Scheduled table. [Cancel] to exit unsaved.

Details about the Fee information



Item code

Enter the item code number. Eg 1.9


Enter the fee name


Enter the fee description

Start date

Enter the date this fee should be made active

End date

Leave this blank if the fee does not have a scheduled expiry period

Charge type

Select from the available option.

Standard selection is “Each”


Enter the amount of the fee excluding GST

Related party options

The related party setting allows for the fee to be automatically marked as “non-billable” in the billing report for organisations that are marked as related parties.

There is also a separate setting which means that the related party contractor IS charged on non compliance fees.

Fee type

Change to non compliance if this fee should be on-charged to the contractor

Related Parties

Toggle on if this fee should be billable to a contractor.

Toggle off; it should not be billable.

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